International Immersive Experience Competition


World Premiere
Fabienne Giezendanner, Igor Carteret, Marcel Barelli
Switzerland, France
2023, 16'
No Dialogue
Is there anything more natural than getting back to your roots? A poetic experience in which you can embody a tree and rediscover the importance of the surrounding biosphere. A soothing, dreamlike return to our origins.

Since it was unleashed on the public, the virtual has constantly served as a vehicle for both emotion and reality. Fabienne Giezendanner aims to bring us closer to a sensitive realism through her work, and Bloom is one of those gently interactive experiences that invite contemplation. Take root and become a tree, integrating into the ecosystem to breathe, feel and enjoy the vibrancy of life. It is also a profound reflection that enables us to better understand our immediate environment and our impact as a society. By planting our feet beneath the earth, could we perhaps relearn how to live?
Mathieu Gayet

Fabienne Giezendanner, Igor Carteret, Marcel Barelli
Fabienne Giezendanner, Franck van Leeuwen
Key collaborators
Key collaborators
Adélaïde Rouyer (Mezzo-soprano ), Esteban Guédon (Artist developer ), Marie Lesnik (Violonist, soprano ), Sébastien Goisbeault (Developer Unity ), TERREF studio, NextSound studio, Nadasdy Film (Development studio )
Fabienne Giezendanner, Marcel Barelli
Oudom Southammavong, Pierre-Marie Blind
Jean-Christophe Cheneval
Production design
Igor Carteret, Edouard Noisette
Nadasdy Film (Nicolas Burlet), Zéro de conduite Productions (Fabienne Giezendanner), Artzoyd Studios (Monique Vialadieu), Zéro de conduite productions (Guillaume Grélardon), Sifonia 8 (Ellen Kuo)
Supported by
Cinéforom - Fondation romande pour le cinéma, Office fédéral de la Culture, CNC Centre national du cinéma et de l'image animée, Pictanovo, SRG SSR
World sales
Nicolas Burlet, Fabienne Giezendanner

Fabienne Giezendanner, GIFF 2021
Fabienne Giezendanner
1967, Switzerland
Prior works
2020, Dreamin'Zone (animated, experimental short)
2017, Les gratte-ciel (animated short)
2014, Nain géant (animated short)
Igor Carteret, GIFF 2021
Igor Carteret
1985, France
Prior works
2020, Dreamin’zone
Marcel Barelli, GIFF 2021
Marcel Barelli
1985, Switzerland
Prior works
2022, Autosaurus rex (animated short film)
2021, Dans la nature (animated short film)
2018, Uno strano processo (animated short film)


This work is part of the program VIRTUAL TERRITORIES IV, composed of several works.

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