Swiss Interactive Sessions

La machine à tubes

Bastien Bron
Development Stage
Combining pop music and AI, this installation aims to create, somewhere between art and technology, unique songs for public release by My name is Fuzzy. Based on a meeting with a spectator, the machine creates a pop song using content generated by AI and inspired by the artist.


Bastien Bron, GIFF 2021
Bastien Bron
As part of his "My name is Fuzzy" project, musician and filmmaker Bastien Bron creates interactive pop music installations that challenge our habits of musical consumption. Following the success of album exhibitions such as "Septante-Quatorze" and "Vedette 93", he unveiled "Auto-Disco 22" in 2022. His latest creation, "La Machine à Tubes", fuses art and artificial intelligence.
Who's who, Bastien Bron, GIFF 2021

Bastien Bron



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